Subject: [FLATLANDERS] The Flutie is ' Comin...We is a Doomed!!!
Date: 1997/07/06
B: Bubba S: Skeeter V: Vlad
Hi...Argonut here.
I've decided to give this post over to my good buddies from the Flatlands. Bubba and Skeeter. (Who have worked on their grammar in the off-season...I might add)
Take it guys.....
B&S: "Thanks Nut!"
B: " It's been a long off-season there Skeeter...and the Nut wants us to do our thing."
S: " Yup, but the first thing I wanna do is point out that those horse fellas from Cow Town is in last place!"
B: " Ahuh, those pansy horsey geldings are last and the Greenies are locked into second place....makes me
wanna smoke a corn pipe and swill some, uh, swill."
S: " Sounds coolie to me."
B&S: " Ahhhhhhh."
S: " So...the Flutie is a comin.."
B: " Yep. It's gonna be a long night for the Greenies when those vaulted Argos from the Big City come
a here and put a pastin' on them."
S: " Doesn't the Nut call em'....Voonted?"
B: " I thought it was Velted...ah whatever."
S: "I don't think those Greenies can do it either...those Vexed Argos is a way too good."
B: You know what else...Skeeter?"
S: " What tis it?"
B: " I'm a little annoyed still about that dufous telethon to raise ticket sales for the Greenies that they had."
S: " Now why should that bother you?"
B: " I came on my monthly trip to Regina and there was not ONE empty pop bottle or beer can laying on the
street for me to collect!"
S: "NO!"
B: " Yep, all those middle classer's stole all the loose bottles to pay for their pretty little seats! I had no money
to pay for gas to get back to the farm."
S: " How'd you git back?"
B: " I they do in a Toronto."
S: " It worked?"
B: "Oh ya. I made enough to pay for all the gas I needed...though it's not hard to make good dough handling."
S: "What did you pull in?"
B: " I pulled in a whole seven dollars in eight hours."
S: " Whoa! Those is professional pay in Regina!"
Argonut: "Hey guys....back to the game!"
B: " Oh dang, we always get off track with politics."
S: Thank goodness nut's here to straighten us out."
B: "So the game...uh...we is a gonna lose big eh?"
S: " Ooh, we is a gonna lose so's a gonna hurt every green blooded fan from coast to coast."
B: " And there's a lots of fans around coast to coast. They all moved away to git doctor'in and lawyer'in
jobs...all over."
S: " Pooey on them...they coulda stayed and earned a whole seven buckeroos paning a handle in the big Reg."
B: " Oh, be a nice to our kin."
S: " You're right."
V: " Vhat is going on here?!"
B&S: " VLAD!"
Argonut: "Vlad?....Who's Vlad?"
B&S: " He's our Ukrainian cousin on our Mother's-sisters-nephews- second cousins-doctors-sister in
law-married to our next door neighbours mother that's dating our fathers buddy side."
V: "Vhat is going on here?!"
B&S: " Uh, Vlad...we is a doin' a game report for the Velted Argos vs the Greenies next week."
Argonut: "Ya Vlad...mind your own business. The Greenies are weak and are overpowered at all positions."
V: " Don't say that about my Green Riders! You putz!"
B&S: " Bye Nut....we is a outa here!"
Argonut: " Ok, Vlad...take it easy."
V: " I will not take it easy!"
Argonut: " Hey's just a game."
Argonut: " Ahhhhhh........."
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