( 10 Part Epic Story )
In the 1997 season ... the Green Riders from Saskatchewan went on a Cinderella run through the playoffs and landed themselves in the Grey Cup. On rsfc in the fall of 97 ... I wrote this little tale about the Flatlanders going to Montreal to play in an unexpected playoff game against the Als.
As I wrote this tale...which was supposed to last for three stories and a loss in Montreal ... good fortunes for the Rider team forced me to alter my intended story and it sent the Flatlanders on an extended trip across the country following their team on their miracle run for Lord Grey's Cup.
The journey begins just before the last regular season game of 1997 ... when it looks like the Riders will finish 4th place in the West Division for sure. This being the first year for cross-overs ... it means a trip to Montreal to play the 2nd Place Als. (Winnipeg was 3rd in the East but had a worse record than Regina)
This is their story ... and in some small way ... the story of the Saskatchewan Roughriders 1997 playoff run.
Riders Make Playoffs! |
The right way to nowhere? |
This way out! |
Montreal Bound. |
Have a Labbatt's at Molson. |
Cowtown Chaos! |
To the Klondike! |
How the West was Won! |
Drunken Reflections. |
Grey Day for Greenies. |
* You have permission to download the story to read offline. *
* Disclaimer *
This is a fictional tale depicting the actions of typical residents of rural Saskatchewan. Any likeness to actual people living or dead is totally accidental. This is all in good fun. PAGE BEST VIEWED AT 800 x 600
Copyright (c) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 Ronald Philipp